Mar 29, 2009

Master Lego Builders

For a field trip this past week, the boys went to the Lego Store to help build an 8-foot R2-D2!
Greg took them and said it was packed with families and their kids (I guess we weren't the only homeschoolers who took advantage of the early start time).
Each table had different colored blocks and the kids were asked to put together a large "brick" of legos for the final design. A man will come later and assemeble all of the "bricks" into the 8-foot R2.
Below you see the mini-design.

Greg said that the boys were "very into it". They hardly looked up until their block was done.

They even got a Master Lego Builder Certificate. It was cute and a great way to practice those fine motor skills. :)

1 comment:

The BirdHouse said...

UGH!! That looks like so much fun for the boys. I wish McG could have gone!